Wednesday, May 30, 2007

One good reason to have a back-up plan

In the space of two weeks, the company I work for announced that it would have to lay off three people, my landlord decided to hike up our rent by 25% (prompting the imminent dissolution of the huge, wonderful commune collective I’ve been allowed to enjoy for 4 years), my nanna’s husband has been admitted to hospital, I was referred to hospital, and a house I was on the verge of buying sold for almost twice its listed price.

I’m not really sure how to take all this. Into each life some rain must fall, etc, but seriously – if anyone has any ideas for sacrifices that would be pleasing to the gods, I’d REALLY like to hear them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Princess Syndrome

This week we’re working on a site for a children’s charity. We need to draw some novelty shoes to appeal to littl’uns, which has proved surprisingly difficult. Are frogs gender specific? Is it just me, or does that elephant look… lewd? In the course of trying to make sure we had the girly-girls covered, the following conversation took place:

Account manager: So, they’re concerned that there’s nothing for princesses…

Me: See? I told you: we need glitter.

Designer: What’s wrong with this one? It’s a bug. Girls like bugs. Don’t they?

Account manager: No, something pink, sparkly, maybe some stars on it, put a tiara on it…

Designer: How am I supposed to put a tiara on a shoe?

Me: On a hobnail boot, in fact?

Account manager: Let’s make it a PRINCESS BOOT.

Me: …

Account manager: For princesses who KICK ARSE.

We’re doing our bit to advance the fourth wave of feminism over here in advertising.

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